With an intention to let go of that which weighed you down during this year, now is a wonderful time to reflect on:
what [idea, belief, thought, experience, negative story] have you let go of this year [even a little] that has helped you move through something difficult?
what part of you / personal value helped you take the lead to enable you to do this for yourself?
what small aspect of a current challenge can you surrender and leave behind you, as you move out of this year?
what experience from 2024 can you mine for learning and meaning [the gold of self-awareness and personal growth] - to place this situation peacefully in your past, where it can no longer unconsciously drive you?
Articulating these things for yourself helps you trust yourself more [you've learned what you needed to, you have more awareness now and it's also now conscious]; that you survived [in your own unique way that no-one needs to approve of!]; and you can have more faith in yourself moving forward [it's served its purpose and you've been active in coping].
Truly letting go, even of some small aspect of a situation; acknowledging its place in your journey, holding onto the learning for your future self; and giving yourself permission to move beyond it - is freeing, liberating and helps you live closer to your core Self - to live with a lightness of being.
What a beautiful, fortifying way to start a new year.
Go you!