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I have often found myself in the midst of suffering and felt grounded and fortified by a burning question. This question has enabled me to remain open to suffering and see it as my teacher. It has helped me look within for my contribution to the outside -to the circumstances, happenings and relationships around me. It has been the curiosity that helped me flow into and through experiences, rather than stand frozen or fierce in resistance and fear. It has calmed many anxieties, encouraged me to grow and deepened every relationship I have chosen to inhabit. This question ....?

“What might this be here to teach me, about me?"

The source of much of our suffering can be found in the ways we look outward, to the events and people that are not living up to our desires or design.

A lightness of being can be found on the journey within.

Once while in the intensity of a difficult time in life my (then) boss asked me how I was coping so well. I hadn't thought very deeply about my source of resilience before; about how I have been able to hold on to a deep sense of purpose, beauty in the world and a trust in 'what is', even while in the emotional overwhelm of life. At first, I didn't answer him in words, but that night, I had a dream. It was a still image me sitting in a canoe on a gentle stream among the landscape, my head was gently back looking upwards toward the sky, my arms outstretched, palms facing up. Upon awakening from this deeply peaceful image that I wrote Surrender.


"Fear not the unexpected,

for you have an innate and wondrous capacity to transform. In fear's place, shine a light of curiosity,

at sameness, predictability and comfort,

for it is often there where you encounter that which holds you in chains. Step gently into your canoe,

leave the oars on the banks,

allow the river to gently take you. Trust. Whatever it is that awaits you,

know you are already beautifully, masterfully made,

to withstand it,

to integrate it,

to let go

and to thrive".

~ Sharlene



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Sharlene Townes (BCouns)

Registered Clinical Counsellor
PACFA Clinical Registration 26636

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Suite 5b, 15-17 Stanley Street St Ives, NSW 2075

Bookings are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays), Fridays & Saturdays by appointment only. 


* all testimonials provided with express permission of clients of Sharlene.
Website design is a collab between The Barefoot Therapist & the wonderful Hark Creative Co.

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