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Time to Reconnect

unhealed wounds ~ triggered by our partners  ~ pose a great threat to the health and longevity of our relationship

Whatever has caused your relationship to feel stuck, distressed or disconnected, meaningful reconnection is possible.


Relational Living looks like:

~ a safe space for the needs, wants and desires of both partners

~ compassionate awareness through understanding individual histories & triggers

~ self-responsibility for emotional regulation and communication

~ joint commitment to emotional and relational safety

~ communication skills to approach, not avoid, difficult conversations 

~ understanding and respecting your differences

~ transformed negative patterns of the past

~ nourishing and vibrant support.


a great relationship is one in which you feel truly seen & heard ~ in which you have a safe place to land, to heal &  to thrive


I advocate the importance of a genuine connection with your therapist so I offer a FREE 15-minute phone consult prior to booking your first session. Alternatively, if you're ready to start therapy you can book online now. You can read a little more about me here.


I also work with individuals and you can read more about my approach here


Sharlene is able to get to the core of complex relationship patterns and issues with compassion, quickly. She has a way of using past experiences to help explain current emotional issues. She is kind, empathetic and approachable. We both found enormous support during our sessions with her.

Mr & Mrs, Sydney

“Love one another, but make not a bond of love; ... Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone; Even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver with the same music”

 ~ Kahlil Gibran

The Barefoot Therapist Logo Stacked WHITE no tag.png

Sharlene Townes (BCouns)

Registered Clinical Counsellor
PACFA Clinical Registration 26636

Quick Links


Suite 5b, 15-17 Stanley Street St Ives, NSW 2075

Bookings are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays), Fridays & Saturdays by appointment only. 


* all testimonials provided with express permission of clients of Sharlene.
Website design is a collab between The Barefoot Therapist & the wonderful Hark Creative Co.

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